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Author: mightyhandful
Strictly 2013
Thought my fans (hi Mum!) might want to know why I’ve been so quiet of late. I have been busy, honest! There are a number of adverts featuring my music that are due to go on air in the UK very shortly, and The Mighty Handful are also getting closer to releasing our prog epic Still…
One of the small reasons why I love my job
The great, bizarre thing about writing music is that you never really know what is going to connect and when, and oftentimes it can surprise you in beautiful and unexpected ways. When I first started working with Dan Slatter (of Howes and Slatter ‘fame’) nearly four years ago we wrote a couple of songs and…
Ever wondered how to get a piano and a jukebox onto a Dutch barge?
Wonder no more…!! Incidentally if you have a complicated removal job I would heartily recommend these guys – I was petrified but they took the whole thing in their stride!
Love And Other Demons
So… I’ve written a whole bunch of songs in the past few years that haven’t fallen into any particular categories. They weren’t written to brief, they weren’t for adverts or TV, they weren’t for the sprawling Mighty project that is Still Sitting In Danny’s Car, they weren’t necessarily for anything. Only they sort of did…
Find what you love and let it kill you? Maybe not.
We seem to have evolved into a society of mourned and misplaced creativity. Concert pianist James Rhodes makes many a fine point in this rather good article (I implore you to read it in full if you want the below to make any semblence of sense). Now I’m going to commit the cardinal sin of…